Make a year end gift to DECK THE STALLS at Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch
We invite you to Deck the Stalls this year by giving to our hard-working team of equines who give so much of themselves to our program, benefitting each and every participant who come to our ranch. We hope to cover the cost of our therapy herd for 2022 through community support. With 16 lesson horses, our annual cost is about $80,000, or $5,000 per horse, which covers basic care and daily needs to ensure they are happy and healthy.
You can support our mission through a one time donation, reoccurring donation, by sponsoring one of our horses for a month, or even a year, and by sharing our story to your network of friends and family. Because every dollar directly subsidizes the cost for each participant who benefits from our programs, your charitable donation, no matter the size, makes a difference for so many.
Horses contribute in countless ways physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively, opening doors for our participants to experience incredible moments of growth that extend far beyond the moments spent at the ranch.
With every step, horses help participants build their strength and endurance. With every interaction, horses bring opportunities for connection to others. Here at Open T.R.A.I.L. we see participants alongside their equine partner achieve goals, break through barriers, radiate joy and happiness, and aspire to great heights.
As a non-profit providing essential services to our community, we strive to keep our costs affordable for our participants. We invite you to Deck the Stalls this year by giving to our hard-working team of equines who give so much of themselves to our program.

Because of community support, we see individuals sit tall in the saddle, riding with strength and confidence.
Because of community support, we hear words of kindness and gentleness spoken to our horses, creating lasting bonds of support and friendship.
Because of community support, we witness miracles happen everyday in the arena as lives are changed here at Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch.